OpeMed Case Manager and Occupational Therapists Guide

When faced with such a diverse range of equipment from many suppliers, working out what is best for your client can be a challenge. We understand that there can be many complexities in each case, so have put together a supporting document “Ten Questions for Case Manages – When Specifying Hoisting, Bathing and Changing Equipment”.

We asked over 300 architects what advice and support they would need to help them with their next specialist project. The answers are now contained in this purpose-built guide which brings all our best practices and advice together in one place.

At OpeMed, we’ve been working alongside architects, helping them to deliver successful specialist projects for almost 20 years. We have developed the best design ideas together with useful hints and tips to save time and money at all stages of the project.

If there is anything we’ve missed, or you would like more information on any specific areas, let us know. If you have feedback on this guide, we’d also like to hear from you.

To discuss any of the information in our guide, please call us on 01252 758858 or send us a message via our contact page.

Download our guide for Case Managers & Occupational Therapists

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