Case Managers

We understand that case managers have an important and delicate role liaising between builders, architects, lawyers and the family themselves.Providing critical help and support for families and friends who rely on specialist equipment to maintain their quality of life means many case managers are often a much needed resource to those in need.

That’s why at OpeMed we work to make things as straightforward and as smooth as possible.

In addition, OpeMed are delighted to be able to provide support at the design/layout stage, offering advice on function, problem-free installation and training.


OpeMed finds the best solutions and ideas for families.

It takes understanding and empathy to work with those who are experiencing emotionally difficult time. We work with case managers and families to bring the latest ideas and solutions.


OpeMed works with suppliers on and off site to take the strain of many site visits and meetings.

Our years’ of experience working alongside architects and contractors means we can keep this stage moving, freeing up precious time.


OpeMed supplies all your patient transfer equipment needs in one place:

  • Ceiling hoists and tracks
  • Through floor lifts
  • Assisted bathing
  • And more


OpeMed can help case managers with multiple projects on the go.

Many case managers count on us for on-site visits and site management when it comes to seamless and efficient installation.


OpeMed staff will train inexperienced carers how to best use their equipment.

Carers need empathetic as well as practical training their own safety.


OpeMed equipment is covered by care and maintenance support.

OpeMed can always be relied on to deliver ongoing peace of mind for carers, users and case managers alike.

We are the only manufacturer offering all specialist installed transfer and care equipment. Which means case managers can enjoy smooth and efficient case management by working alongside one specialist supplier.

With all these services under one roof, case managers can focus their attention on the needs of their clients, secure in the knowledge OpeMed has it covered.

Advice and Expertise

Appointing and installing specialist equipment can be a complex task. Case managers need to know they have access to the latest designs and the right technical support as well as up to date safety standards. OpeMed can support case managers with all stages of the process, from architects consultation and CAD drawings where necessary, to full room assessments and training on all products.

Our technical teams can consider the number of structural and practical elements required, as well as suggestions for room layout and best practice for using the equipment right from the start.

Case Manager Guide

When faced with such a diverse range of equipment from many suppliers, working out what is best for your client can be a challenge. Using our latest guide will help you work through the minefield that can be transfer and care equipment.

We understand that there can be many complexities in each case and client so have put together a supporting document asking the questions you need when Specifying Hoisting, Bathing and Changing equipment.

Design and Manufacture

Fit for purpose prescriptions for simple or complex cases should be based on the deeper physical needs of the end user and their carers. No one understands these needs as well as case managers and our experienced product specialists build lasting relationships with case managers to bring solutions and ideas based on a comprehensive understanding of what is available and suitable. For example, we can suggest alternative types of internal bathing support or more appropriate slings, and bring space and aesthetic ideas to create the optimum solution between our own and other specialist equipment.


We know that in many cases, this specialist equipment is unknown to the families and end-users. That’s why all our products can be demonstrated and tried out in the domestic environment. We bring our products to you in our specifically adapted vehicles and will discuss options with you and your clients to find the right solution.

We also offer CPD Seminars in a range of topic areas to help simplify some of the more challenging areas of transfer and care.

Installation Support

We understand the challenges of the contractors, the architect, the case manager and the family and are experienced at working in difficult environments as well as adding value by ensuring our product installation dove-tails in smoothly with the other construction, preventing costly mistakes.

Conversion Chart

Depending on which client you have, what your personal preference is and which supplier you speak to, everyone seems to work with different weight measurement systems.

To simplify this, we have put together a Conversion Chart as an easy reference point when converting Stone (st), Kilograms (kg) and Pounds (lbs).

Our Clients: