Case Study Image Gallery

Our Case Study images represent equipment installed across a range of facilities including Hospitals, Hotels, Football Stadia and Domestic Homes for accessible facilities including Wet Rooms, Bedrooms and Changing Places. If you would like information about any Case Study gallery images please contact us.

OT200 Ceiling Hoist Online Gallery

The OT200 Compact Ceiling Hoist is the smallest professional-use patient hoist on the market. The OT200 features a unique gravity powered system to recharge whenever in use and includes an emergency lowering function which does not require tools. The award winning OT200 is a cost effective, flexible solution that can be installed in virtually any setting. Click below to view our OT200 Ceiling Hoist Online Gallery.

Changing Places Online Gallery

As the co-sponsor of Changing Places we proudly have installed our hoisting and changing places equipment into applications such as Airports, Football Stadiums, Hotels and Supermarkets. Changing Places Consortium has launched its campaign on behalf of those people who cannot use standard accessible toilets. Click below to view our Changing Places Online Gallery.

Product Layout Gallery

With over 30 years of combined industry experience, we aim to use that knowledge to assist and support our customers in the early design stages of a project. Our Product Specialists offer on-site surveys and detailed consultations to ensure the right equipment is chosen. Click below to view our Floor Plan Online Gallery.

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