MicrobeCare™ 70-2 has been thoroughly tested and has passed the important industry regulations and certifications.

Declarations and registrations with the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational HealthSafety

N 61351.TP2

No evidence of any skin disorder was detected after conducting patch testing for 24, 48 and 72 hours according to the internationally recognized guidelines of ICDRG (International Contact Dermatitis Research Group).

E229 Human Coronavirusaccording to EN 14476

According toEN 13797/EN 13727

According to EN 13697/EN 13627

Registered with the US Environmental ProtectionAgency

Approved by the Food & Drug Administration

Measurement of antimicrobial and persistent activity

Virucidal activity ISO 21702 standard on humancoronavirus strain E229

Bactericisal activity
ISO 222196 standard

Long-term antimicrobial effectiveness on surfacesASTM E2149 standard(Plastic)

NMechanical Resistanceto Friction and to the common use of disinfectant

Ohio Push Study certified byNAMSA ASTM E2149

Test Standard NT-T-72 281Couple-product apparatus

Bactericide, virucide ,levuricide.
mycobactericide activity in the field of humanhealth, food industryand community